Navigating life with food allergy is much easier, in my experience, when you build a love and appreciation for food from a young age. It’s easy to develop a fear of food, but knowing that food is your friend can also be a huge help.
Read moreSetting Intentions: "Everyone's Welcome" Was 28 Years in the Making
My new cookbook, Everyone’s Welcome, has been a personal intention of mine since I was a child growing up with multiple food allergies.
Read moreGet Creative in the Kitchen with Different Cuisines
Living with food allergies can sometimes feel restrictive when you have to stick to your known “safe foods”, but there are so many different cuisines in the world that you can borrow elements from and allow to inspire your cooking.
Read moreLearning to Let Go of Stress Through Improv Classes
Learning to let go of unnecessary stress that comes with being a perfectionist; a common trait in those with food allergy, through improv classes.
Read moreSingle-Use Plastic or Allergy Safe Eats? The Impact of my Allergies on the Environment
Food for thought on the impact of food allergy on the environment, given the amount of single use plastic products we consume.
Read moreThere's More To Me Than Food Allergies!
Food allergies are a big part of our lives, but does not define us. I’m sharing more about myself and what makes me ME!
Read moreFind Yourself a Peter Kavinsky
How many times have you watched To All the Boys I've Loved Before? 3? 10? I just watched it for the fifth time, and I'm still so in love with everything about it. I don't think it'll ever get old. PK is no longer just a character from a novel, he is now a type of boyfriend that just melts your damn heart. As I was reading through tweets from women who are thirsting for Peter Kavinsky, I came to realize that I married one.
Read moreManaging Your Allergies Around Elderly Grandparents
Managing your food allergies around elderly grandparents poses a unique set of challenges, but it’s important to find work-around’s so that you can maintain a fulfilling relationship.
Read moreWhy I Needed To Take a Hiatus
It's been quite a long time since I last wrote a personal essay on EAF. Here’s why.
Read morePlanning My Food Allergy-Friendly Wedding
Everything you need to know about hosting an allergy-friendly wedding
Read moreThis Year's Reluctant Resolution
The problem is that I don't know when these good habits died, but one day I woke up and they ceased to be part of my routine...
Read moreHeading to University or College with Food Allergies?
I struggled with how to write this post, mostly because my life as an allergic girl was so different back then
Read moreMy Soy Allergy Drives Me Nuts
Some food allergies can be hard to explain. My soy allergy, for example. I can tolerate a little bit but too much and suddenly I can have an anaphylactic reaction. Let's discuss.
Read moreNo Yoyo Diets Allowed
What does it mean to be healthy? We're talking about food allergies, diets, and our perception of how it feels to be in good health.
Read moreFood Allergies: The Alternative Facts
What I want to tackle in this post are the alternative facts. "Facts" that people read about, hear about, and pass on as though they are true when in fact they may be totally made up or based on opinion.
Read moreWhat Embarrassing Thing Happens When You Try to Hide Your Epi Pen? I'll Tell You...
Not carrying your epinephrine poses as a huge risk if you have severe food allergies. We know it can be awkward and inconvenient, but you've gotta do it. Here's why.
Read moreIt's Super Awkward To Turn Down a Kiss
We know it's super awkward to turn down a kiss. But when you have severe allergies it's just a part of life. #foodallergyproblems
Read moreThis Badass Teen Is Educating Youth About Anaphylaxis
Teen food allergy advocate, Susan Tatelli, is educating others about managing allergies and how to react in the event of an anaphylactic reaction via her Youtube channel!
Read morePlanning + Packing. Readying Yourself For Travel
Read our definitive guide to planning and packing for traveling with food allergies, for teens and young adults.
Read morePeanut Allergies: What’s Not to Hate?
Teen food allergy advocate and aspiring writer, Lauren Laughlin, shares her experiences growing up with food allergies and partaking in a new desensitizing therapy.
Read more