15 Things Only Food Allergy Teens Will Understand
15 Things Only Food Allergy Teens Will Understand
Since the 15 Things Only People with Food Allergy Will Understand post was so popular, I decided to do another one. This time, for teens!
1. You’ve had to wear a fanny pack against your will at some point in your life
2. You’re not allowed to go to sleepovers but you’re allowed to have your friends sleep over at your house
3. Kids at school are trying vapes/cigarettes but all you can think about is whether or not you would be allergic
4. You’ve brought your own cake to every birthday party for as long as you can remember
5. The person you like is about to kiss you but you have to step off because you don’t know what they just ate
6. When the guy/girl you just started dating cannot seem to grasp the concept of food allergy
7. Someone suggests you “just eat your allergen to see what happens”
8. When you’re at the movies with your friends, and they’re eating buttered popcorn or chocolate, and they reach their hand into your bag of allergy-safe candies
9. Your teacher throws a surprise pizza party and there’s nothing you can eat
10. You tell someone at school about your allergy and they say “wow that sucks I feel so bad for you”
11. You’re out with a group of friends, having a good time, and someone you aren’t even that close with starts asking you the specifics of what happens during an allergic reaction, turning the whole table’s attention to this very personal and invasive conversation
12. Someone asks you pointedly, why you don’t just do OIT
13. You’re at a restaurant and the server says “it should be fine” without even checking with the kitchen
14. You bring your own lunch while all of your friends eat from the cafeteria
15. Your BFF sees someone about to come near you with your allergen
You may also like my videos about life with food allergies: